Sub Houses Fix
Mod Type: Patch
Author: CCHyper and MVI
Feature Set:
- Previously if you play as a sub house the game would crash when you selected a unit
- If your house index is invalid this patch defaults it to Ordos and does not crash
- NEW: Fixes the score calculation crash, note your displayed score will be incorrect, but it will allow you to progress through the campaign properly now.
- NEW: Other house sounds now supported in addition to the unit report sounds previously supported (e.g. Building Complete, Harvester Under Attack)
- This patch is only for Dune 2000 version 1.06
- Supports and enhances mods such as [aKa]FedaYkin’s Mercenary campaign
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Download Sub Houses Fix for 1.06 (20002 downloads )
Mission Select Menu
Mod Type: UI Modification
Author: MVI
Feature Set:
- This is a release of a mission selector for Dune 2000. Currently supporting both Dune 2000 1.02 and Dune 2000 1.06 versions (Separate downloads for each below.) Make sure you download the correct version for your version of Dune 2000. If you don’t know what version you have of Dune, run the game and look in the bottom-right corner of the main menu.
- Please note in the main menu list screen the new Select Mission button and the screen it will bring up.
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Download Mission Select Menu for 1.06 (11567 downloads )
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Download Mission Select Menu for 1.02 (5384 downloads )
High Resolution Patch
Author: N.Kindt, D2K Sardaukar and MVI
Please read the readme files carefully, and also the notes below.
The patch is finally ready, and the bugs like crashes in starport menu are gone now. You can finally play Dune 2000 in hi-res, which makes selecting units and pending to the map a lot easier. Please note: in order to get both the sub-houses fix and the mission select mod working with the script, you should install both BEFORE you apply the high-res patch. It is also advised (according to the readme) to install the patch on a fresh copy of Dune 2000, without old hi-res patches or unfinished mods. The vanilla (original CD) version of Dune 2000 and the patched-for-multiplayer version (with Windows 7 fixes & IPX fixes) are supported. As of 1.4.0 there is also support for undoing the patch.
Update: 1.4.1 is now available, which adds acceptable 8-bit support.
Editor Note: Please note that this does not work with the CnCNet patch or the GruntMods Edition, as they use a newer incompatible version of the patching framework, which includes a newer version of the High Resolution patch that works with online multiplayer.
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Download Hi-Res Patch v. 1.4.1 - New Improved Version (131732 downloads )
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Download Hi-Res Patch v. 1.4.0 - Older Version (23842 downloads )
Mulciber Valley Mod
Mod Type: Single mission replacement (Atreides 1V1)
Author: MVI
The Harkonnen have built a new death hand missile base. The main entrance to the base is protected by continuous detonations of death hand missiles. Use infantry, enter the secondary infantry entrance and destroy the Harkonnen outpost that is guiding the missiles. Once the enemy outpost is destroyed the way will be opened for our forces to smash the Harkonnens. Note, the infantry entrance is well guarded and is in close proximity to a secondary Harkonnen base.
Mission Success Requirements:
Destroy all Harkonnen buildings and units.
To install:
Download and unzip the files, copy and replace A1V1.MAP and _A1V1.MIS in your Dune missions directory with the files from the zip.
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Sound Effect Tool
Mod Type: Mod Tool
Author: MVI
Feature Set:
- Supports loading RS sound collections
- Supports playing sounds in application
- Supporting importing, exporting, deleting and replacing sounds
- Note: This is a new tool and will be included in the next D2K+ Toolkit. Meanwhile you can download it from this page and run it separately.
Also Note: This is an Alpha release, it is unlikely to be stable and may suffer from bugs. I recommend you back up your mission files/installation before editing.
Download Sound Effect Tool Version 0.1 (Alpha) (5900 downloads )
Tile Set Editor
Mod Type: Mod Tool
Author: MVI
Feature Set:
- Supports loading and saving of both R8 and R16 tilesets
- Supports exporting of tileset images for editing in picture editors like Photoshop or Paint.Net and importing the image back in
- Automatic palette conversion for R8 images, when importing an image the closest palette colours are chosen.
Future Work Will Include:
- Supporting editing of the associated TileSet data file (TILEATR*.BIN)Please note: This is an Alpha release, it is unlikely to be stable and may suffer from bugs. I recommend you back up your files/installation before editing.
Download Tile Set Editor Version 0.1 (Alpha) (5001 downloads )
Mission Editor
Mod Type: Mod Tool
Author: MVI
Feature Set:
* Supports editing tech levels, starting money, index allocations, diplomacy, tileset references and time limit
* Also supports modifying, adding and deleting of events, conditions and event-condition mappings
* Supporting AI segment exporting and importing (via new .misai files)
* As of 0.3 supports preset building types (as well as unit types since 0.1)
Future Work Will Include:
* Colored diplomacy icons for the three diplomacy types
* Support for unused event types, current build only works with event types present in the campaign mission files. However I believe there are a number of other event types that are possible, this will require more research as there are no working examples of how to use these event types present in the game’s mission files.
Special thanks to jbsplash, DaxxXyrax, Devasta and Gruntlord6.
Please note: This is an Alpha release, it is unlikely to be stable and may suffer from bugs. I recommend you back up your mission files/installation before editing.
You can also download a complete set of the game’s .MISAI files here.
Download Mission Editor Version 0.4 Alpha Preview (5429 downloads )
Download Mission Editor Version 0.3 Stable (5619 downloads )
Map Renderer
Mod Type: Mod Tool
Author: MVI
The Dune 2000 Map Renderer allows the user to load a map file and export a PNG image displaying its terrain, spice, buildings and starting units.
The Map Renderer is bundled with a folder containing PNG images of each tileset and will automatically pick the correct tileset image for a loaded map if there is a matching mission file at the same location as the map file. If you modify the game’s tileset or add a new one, you will need to make the corresponding changes to the tool’s tileset folder.
The map renderer is not intended to replicate the in-game look perfectly and there are some relatively unimportant differences in how the game and the Map Renderer display: walls do not perfectly align; spice has hard edges and buildings do not display the concrete beneath them.
Download Map Renderer (6349 downloads )