The Home of Dune 2000 Modding

17 Oct 2013 – Custom Campaign Creation Tutorial Preview

GruntlordGuidePreviewAs part of Gruntlord6’s work on his mod Rise of the Mercenaries, he is writing a modding guide to help explain how to make the most of the tools that are now available. The full guide will be included with Rise of the Mercenaries when it’s released next year, however Gruntlord6 has sent us a preview of the first part of the guide. The preview outlines what will be in the full guide and includes the first two sections: mod planning and map design. The full guide will also include: How to create and edit Mission Scenarios (.mis files), how to create custom menus, how to load a custom mission without overwriting existing ones, how to create a mission briefing and packaging a mod to easily be installed and removed.

Download the guide (2675 downloads )


Posted by mvi

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