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Map and Mission Editor Version 1.3

Klofkac has released an update for his Map and Mission Editor, this time reaching version 1.3.


Fixed: Size preset buttons in Tileset window were off by one position
Added: Find object feature
Changed: Some options (i.e. Show grid) are now toggle buttons below minimap instead of Settings menu items
Removed: Draw concrete option (now is always on)
Added: Play Sound event: now provides dropdown list of sound names (loaded from "samples.uib")
Added: Play Music event: now provides dropdown list of music names (list of existing .AUD files in "Data\Music" folder)
Fixed: Set Attack Building Rate event: value is named "Arrack rate" instead of "Unknown" 
Fixed: Casualties condition: "Flags?" value renamed to "Proportion" and changed to floating-point number type
Added: When temporary "TESTMAP.MAP" file is saved, the map name in ini file is renamed to "TESTMAP" 
       in order to avoid duplicate entry in mission launcher
Added: Open recent files feature
Fixed: Editing marker (i.e. building marker, current block) not showing when Mission settings or Events/Conditions 
       window is open and is on background or minimized
Added: "MissionsPath" setting in .ini file. It can be changed in case game loads maps/mission files from different location
Fixed: The UI components now should not be messed up on systems where scaling is set to different value than 100%
Added: Highlighting events having selected condition feature
Fixed: Program now checks, if window would appear off-screen (i.e. previously opened on second monitor which is now
       unplugged) and resets its position
Changed: Program now automatically loads all all .ini files placed into "tilesets" folder, instead of loading tileset list
         from "config\tilesets.ini". All tileset .ini files must now contain name of attributes file.
Added: Loading tileset images directly from game's internal .R8 and .r16 files
Removed: Editor is no longer distributed with tileset .bmp files
Fixed: Improved auto-detection of game folder, detection of missions stored under "Data\Missions" folder
Changed: Mission settings window should fit 1024 pixels wide resolution
Added: Tileset name and Attributes fields on Mission settings window
Added: Custom Text.uib field on Mission settings window (mission .ini file)
Added: Conditions can be organized by moving up and down (like events)
Added: Grid color setting and several more settings
Added: AI manual (written by Cm_blast)
Added: AI templates (created by Cm_blast)
Added: Information message upon start when starting program for the first time
Fixed: Some errors on BLOXBAT tileset configuration, added missing tiles to new "Sand stains" preset group
Added: README.txt file


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Posted by: gruntlord6

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