The Home of Dune 2000 Modding

Site Redesign

I have decided to give the site a new facelift. The main goal of this redesign was to make the site feel more modern and to make it easier to update and maintain.  Some goals of the new system that were implemented already include:

  • Automatic management of downloads
  • Streamlined mod submission
  • Streamlined contact form
  • Dynamic menus
  • Improved file and general site security
  • Search functionality
  • Standardization for post formatting
  • Better support for news articles
  • Improved download statistics

All of the above have been deployed and are currently working very well. Search functionality is particularly welcome, as it allows you to narrow down your search for content. For example, if I search for “Author: [aKa]FedaYkin”, I will get every mod with [aKa]FedaYkin mentioned in its description, which is very useful if I enjoyed his previous work and wanted to follow up on it. Mod submissions are also something I am glad to introduce, as it makes submitting new mods much more accessible, which in turn makes it more likely new content will be available on the site.

Some things that are not currently available, but I would like to add:

  • Support for video subscriptions (Youtube made an API change that broke the old sites code)
  • Online statistics via CnCNet
  • Better CSS for improved site design
  • Integration with the forum

The new site is currently being tested, you can visit it at the following URL:

The new site is still in development. With that in mind, it would be appreciated if you could report any issues you find with the new site at the contact page so that they can be fixed. The sooner issues are found and corrected the sooner we can switch to the new design. You can also feel free to let us know what you think about the new design, you input is greatly appreciated and is a great help in providing direction.


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